Phone - (506) 260-7400
Big Sky Ventures Inc. Chipman, NB
email: Sea-buckthorn@outlook.com
Wholesale pricing on bulk berry, juice, powder & SBT oil orders
What's New... Aura Wholefoods in Fredericton now carrying our frozen juice. Certified Organic and Kosher. New location for our Sea Buckthorn wine at Black Galley Distilling on the Hanwell. Click both recent links on the What's New page to learn a bit more about the farm 2024. Next up: Dec. 15th Hospice House fundraiser at Boyce Market
See Testimonials Below
I want to tell you that your product is AMAZING. You weren't sure how well it would work with someone who's pancreas was completely dead. As soon as I started taking it (approx. .5 tsp with breakfast and again at lunch), my sugars dropped and leveled out. So I kept taking it for a couple of months and then stopped for 3 weeks. Started it again 2 days ago, and wow. Where I was consistently around the 12 to 13 mark for my sugars when not on it, I am now mostly down between 6 and 7. FANTASTIC!
Sandra D.
I have been using Sea Buckthorn berries for two months and these are the changes that I notices so far with my body. I no longer have swollen and bleeding hemorrhoids. I would hate to have to use the bathroom and I would almost pass out from the pain. Also, I no longer have to grease my hands, neck and shoulders every night with cream for arthritis. My heels and feet no longer dry out and crack. The pain from my nerve-endings is extremely mild. I have fibromyalgia and the pain was very extreme. My hot flashes are mild compared to before as I could have killed when I was having them. A great berry to take.
Vivian H.
After hearing a friend talk about the great benefits of sea buckthorn, I decided to give it a try. I started taking about 20 berries a day to lower my blood pressure. I have to say after about 1 ½ weeks I noticed a drop in my numbers by 10 - top and bottom numbers. My best results, and this happened in about day 4 of taking the berries was the huge decrease in joint pain! This is the most exciting for me, since being a sufferer of fibromyalgia I usually have constant pain. With this relieve in joint and body pain, my sleep has been a lot better and I don’t wake up in pain like I use to.
Angela S.
I love the berries and I do think they make a difference in my health. I noticed right away an increase in energy and wellbeing. It was noticeable.
Kathy M.
My husband and I have been using Sea Buckthorn since the week after Thanksgiving. We have a smoothie every morning and for the first time in years we are actually getting enough fruit in our diet.
Speaking for myself, I am noticing a significant change in my energy level. I am probably not losing a lot of weight but my meal choices no longer include fried food and coffee has gone from having one every morning to not caring if I have coffee at all.
The Sea Buckthorn adventure has been fun and educational. Picking our own fruit (and getting picked too) has been a social event and hats off to Beth and Clay for bring this business to their home town.
Looking forward to helping harvest the crop next year!
Sheila F.
I have been taking blood pressure pills for almost 2 years and they haven’t made a change. I have been taking Sea Buckthorn for 3 months and I have been doing a log to see if it has improved. I had started doing the log because my doctor who was out on vacation so I had a replacement asked me to. I had mentioned to him that I have been taking Sea Buckthorn and explained to him what it is so my last reading was 118/78 and before it would be 126/97. I am no longer having headaches all the time. I have been drinking the juice and eating the chaff in smoothies or adding it in my food. I also would have very dry skin and there isn’t a lot of lotions I can use because I am sensitive and break out into rash, so my mother would buy me certain lotion that doesn’t cause me to break out and I have been adding Sea Buckthorn to it. My skin feels super soft now plus and it gives me relief from scratching all the time from the dryness.
Tanya H.
Hi Beth, just wanted to tell you I had been on the cholesterol pill for a year, my second from last trip to Dr. I had been told my dosage had to be increased. I asked for some time to look after it myself by diet. He gave me three months. I ran out of cholesterol pills half way through this time frame and never refilled them as I just figured it would be a waste as I more than likely would need a stronger dosage soon. I replaced my pill with 15 to 20 berries with my morning yogurt and never changed anything else with my diet. I had my blood work last week and my cholesterol is smack on!! So not only do I not need to increase my dosage, but if I can keep it in check for my next set blood work, then I will not need to be on Crestor at all! Your berries are the ONLY thing I have changed in my diet. Just letting you know I believe the berries are helping my cholesterol.
After a month consuming the recommended 12 berries per day, I have noticed a reduction in my arthritic pain, more regular bowel movements and a greater amount or overall energy. Picking those berries at Beth and Clay's farm in Chipman was also good for the soul, a wonderful place with very kind folks. My husband, the skeptic, has also started eating the berries and helped me pick them on the second visit. He must have noticed they were a good thing!
“I have been struggling with Psoriasis for over 20 years using various remedies and medications that just haven’t worked. In early October I started adding 12 sea buckthorn berries mushed up in my yogurt. Within 2 weeks I noticed my psoriasis clearing up. On bad spots I cut a berry in half and rub the spot(s) for a few days and in no time they disappear. I have also mixed together Glaxo based moisturizing cream with mushed up sea buckthorn to use daily. It hasn’t been an instant change however, I am amazed at how my psoriasis has cleared up and continues too.”
Hi Beth. Two years ago May 2013 I went to my eye Doctor for my regular eye exam. He had done all of the tests and then he checked the pressure in my eyes and it was high. He was very concerned as this can lead to Glaucoma which can lead to blindness. He made an appointment for me to come back in a year to check the pressure again and at that time it had decrease a little bit so he made another appointment for May 2015 where I had full eye exam and my glass had to be changed for the first time in eight years. Then he checked the pressure in my eyes. His first comment was, have you been doing anything different or eating anything different in the last while. I said I wasn't doing anything different and the only thing I was eating different was I eat 12 Sea Buckthorn berries every day. His reply was what is Sea Buckthorn Berries and I told him what I knew about them and gave him the web site. He told me to keep on eating them because the pressure in my eyes was perfect pressure. He could hardly believe it.