Phone - (506) 260-7400
Big Sky Ventures Inc. Chipman, NB
email: Sea-buckthorn@outlook.com
Wholesale pricing on bulk berry, juice, powder & SBT oil orders
What's New... Aura Wholefoods in Fredericton now carrying our frozen juice. Certified Organic and Kosher. New location for our Sea Buckthorn wine at Black Galley Distilling on the Hanwell. Click both recent links on the What's New page to learn a bit more about the farm 2024. Next up: Dec. 15th Hospice House fundraiser at Boyce Market
How it Works! - new study - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8251057/
Sea Buckthorn fruit, seeds and leaves all have components that assist with cell regeneration, anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties.
Every part of the plant can be used including the juice, fruit pulp (powder) seeds, leaves, bark and oils from the seeds and pulp.
See Youtube video on stem cell regeneration explained: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyiN3yKZiVw&pp=ygUXc3RlbSBjZWxsIFNlYSBCdWNrdGhvcm4%3D
Note: We have been researching all aspects of Sea Buckthorn for many years and although there are no known health risks that we have read in any clinical studies to date, Sea Buckthorn increases blood flow in the body, so we encourage you as a precaution to pause your daily 1-2 oz. shot of the juice and/or reduce the daily amount of berries you use in your smoothies, etc. two weeks prior to any surgeries or if you are pregnant. Check with your Dr. before adding Sea Buckthorn to your health toolkit.

Skin Health
With high concentration of Vitamin A (Beta Carotene), Sea Buckthorn applied topically may improve the skins ability to smooth wrinkles, diminish hyper-pigmentation, and has been used to treat acne. Studies support claims in helping skin retain moisture, decrease hyper-pigmentation. Vitamin C is a known anti-oxidant and assists with the youthfulness of skin by collagen maintenance and creation, smoothing the complexion and reducing brown spots. Vitamin E helps heal scars and diminish stretch marks plus reducing the appearance of deep wrinkles, smooth rough patches of skin and improve overall skin health. (Anti-aging & cell regeneration) - Sea buckthorn has been used to treat skin issues including burns, bed sores, and other conditions. Studies suggest that the use of this berry as a supplement has boosted skin health, allowing your body's immune system to attack wounds and scars.

How Sea Buckthorn Affects My Immune System?
Ref: Sea Buckthorn Insider
Anti-Inflammation – (Lowers Cholesterol) the leaves in this natural herbal healing method have been shown to reduce inflammation.
Possible Cancer Prevention – (Antioxidant) The vitamins, essential fatty acids, and antioxidants extracted into these supplements fight free radicals—dead cell material that collects as waste in miscellaneous areas of the body.
Bacteria Fighter – (Antimicrobial) Sea Buckthorn’s flavanoids and vitamins, which are pervasive in this berry, may be a key immune booster, allowing your body to fight off germs and infections.
Heart Disease & Weight Gain – Most of the benefits listed above, along with the Omega’s power are key nutrients in your body’s battle against heart disease & weight gain.

Benefits - 190 bio-active substances
References: S. B. Insider, Agriculture and Agri-food Canada (AAFC), NRC, Carleton University
Omega 3 — reduces symptoms of diabetes, depression, (ADHD), and Alzheimer’s. Omega-3’s counter inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn’s disease.
Linoleic Acid (Omega-6) – Lower triglycerides, and may even reduce glucose in diabetics. Oleic Acid (Omega-9) – Oleic fatty acid may lower cholesterol levels and LDLs for improved cardiovascular function.
Omega 7 – Sea Buckthorn contains significant amounts of omega fatty acids, the tremendously useful body fats that contribute to your body’s improved processing of fats.
Vitamin A – Eliminate free radicals and lowers blood cholesterol level.
Vitamin C – Sea Buckthorn has one of the highest Vitamin C contents. Much higher than oranges.
Vitamin E – An antioxidant that’s loaded with power, helping to flush free radicals and keep your blood flow healthy and junk free.
Also: Vitamin’s - B1, B2, B5, B9, B12, D, K & P
Seed oil is extracted from the seed of the plant, which contains a different nutritional makeup from the berry’s fruit oil. These berries are uniquely saturated with vitamins and amino acids, so much so that different components of the berry can be applied for specific maladies. The berry is traditionally known for its benefits to the skin, digestive tract, and urinary tract. The seed oil has benefits as a dietary supplement for enhancing the immunity system and supporting cardiovascular, brain and liver health.
Flavonoids & oils
Sea buckthorn has been shown to have a potent antioxidant activity, mainly atributed to its flavonoids and vitamin C content. Both the flavonoids and the oils from sea buckthorn have several potential applications. There are five areas of research that have been focal points for their use: as an aid to patients undergoing cancer therapy; a long-term therapy for reduction of cardiovascular risk factors; treatment of gastrointestinal ulcers; internal and topical therapy for a variety of skin disorders; and as a liver protective agent (for chemical toxins) and a remedy for liver cirrhosis.

Vitamins and Minerals
Vitamin C Sea Buckthorn top end average 2500 mg/100 ml. Orange juice 35-56 mg/100 ml.
Vitamin E 162-540 mg/100 ml
Vitamin A IU (International Units) 3756.00/100 ml
Vitamin A RE (Retinol) 376.00/100 ml
Other vitamins B1, B2, B5, D, P, K
Minerals K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Cr, Se

Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Alpha-Carotene, Trans-Beta Carotene Cis-Beta Carotene, Lycopene. Carotenoids of Sea buckthorn are powerful antioxidants that can prevent cellular damage by neutralizing free radicals. Strong antioxidant activity that protects red blood cells (erythrocyte membranes) against peroxidation and cell aging.
Phytosterols and Polyphenols
Phytosterols and Polyphenols are plant sterols that occur naturally in Sea Buckthorn. Studies have shown that plant sterols mimic cholesterol in the small intestine and partly block cholesterol absorption. Therefore, regular consumption of foods containing plant sterols results in the lowering of LDL-cholesterol levels, while having no detrimental effect on HDL-cholesterol levels (often referred to as good cholesterol). This would benefit those who want to lower their blood cholesterol levels, i.e., especially those who have moderate to high blood cholesterol.
Phenois are effective against oxidation, tumorigenesis (formation or production of tumours) and radiation. Check with your Dr. before adding Sea Buckthorn to your health toolkit.
Source: Li, T. S. C. and Beveridge, T. H. J. 2003. Seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.): Production and Utilization. NRC Research/Solberry.ca

Omega Fatty Acids
Sea buckthorn is a natural source of Omega 3, Omega 6, Omega 7 and Omega 9.
Omega 7 – (Palmitoleic acid) is a very rare constituent found in Sea buckthorn fruit. Omega 7 is a component of human skin. Topical application of seed and fruit oils on burned, scalded, wounded or radioactively damaged skin of both humans and animals has shown healing and anti-inflammatory effects.

Seed & Berry oil

Seed oil is extracted from the seed of the plant, which contains a different nutritional makeup from the berry’s fruit oil. These berries are uniquely saturated with vitamins and amino acids, so much so that different components of the berry can be applied for specific maladies. The berry is traditionally known for its benefits to the skin, digestive tract, and urinary tract. The seed oil has benefits as a dietary supplement for enhancing the immunity system and supporting cardiovascular, brain and liver health.
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Shipping Policy: As per Canada Post at lowest rate unless otherwise stated. Unable to guarantee shipped frozen products. E-transfer orders by email or phone 506 260-7400.
Refund/Return policy: Full refund on unopened or damaged in production. Privacy Policy: No information is kept, sold or shared.